Winter Is Almost Over - Prepare For Sales To Increase

The end of a cold winter is almost upon us, so it's time to prepare for an increase in sales as people venture back out for casual dining etc.

August is already showing itself to be warmer, with the worst of winter most definitely over with already. It's time to stock up with your food packaging supplies from WF Plastic so that you're ready for the upcoming increase in foot traffic to your shop.  We're noticing increased demand for food packaging supplies across the board, with a massive increase in Acai packaging sales. It's going to be a big spring this year folks, and the team here are ready and waiting to assist you in our showroom, via webchat, via email and over the phone.

We continue to source and add new and exciting products to our website, so keep an eye on the New Arrivals section here to stay tuned in to the latest and greatest packaging. If you're thinking about custom printing, now is the time to get moving so that you can get your shiny new branded food packaging before Christmas trading. Talk to the custom print team here about your ideas and let's get moving with promoting your brand in 2024!

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