New Website Progress Report

Conversion Progress Report
We continue to move ahead with the conversion to this new website. We're in the final stages of product conversion. This new site has the ability to provide larger more detailed photographs for each product, so we have invested in our own photo studio and are busily re-photograhing a lot of our products to provide a better end user experience. This is quite a task in itself, but it's drawing to an end at last.
There's still quite a lot of work to be done before go live. All users need to be imported as well, and a lot fo design work is still in progress. Our aim is to provide a massively improved user experience with a slim, easy to use site that is both PC and mobile / iPad friendly. To this end, we're also concurrently releasing a mobile website.
We continue to hope for a pre Christmas conversion, but we're more likely to go live with this new site in January during the quiet period now. It seems to be a better idea as we'll no doubt have the odd code change here and there to look after immediately after go live for any bugs that our unit and system testing doesn't turn up.
I continue to look forward to releasing this new site to you all and hope that you think that our efforts have been worthwhile.
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It's Here!
19 February 2014We finally managed to go live during the morning this morning. There were a few hiccups overnight, but we managed to get them ironed out at about 10am. Welcome one and all to our brand new web site. I hope that you all love it! Stay tuned for phase two of our new web site roll out now...the addition of a whole lot more of our product lines.