Single Use Plastic Bans - Resources For Each State

Each state has different laws governing the availability and use of disposable plastic food packaging and carry bags. This buying guide has information and links for each state so that you can purchase from us without breaking your local state laws.
The Single Use Plastic Bans continue to roll out across Australia, and will continue to do so into the coming years using a staged approach. To date, each state has been charged with the responsibility of determining how and when to roll out the bans. As a result, there's a lot of confusion about which plastic products can be used in which states, and until what dates. Whilst there's talk of centralising the rollout federally, nothing seems to have been implemented so far. It would certainly be easier for businesses across the country if there was a single play-book to follow. For companies who trade in multiple states, they have their hands full keeping track of the individual state rollouts in a bid to ensure that they're not breaking any state laws.
Resource Links For Each State
Rather than documenting a point-in-time snapshot of where the bans are currently at (which will almost immediately go out-of-date), we've prepared a list of authorotative links for each state's rollout to the best of our knowledge. Simply visit the link for your state to get the latest on your state's rollout, and to ensure that you're not attempting to purchase packaging that's been banned in your state. Our team scrutinises orders to make sure that we don't ship banned products to any state, so we have your back too.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any sort of standard for the Single Use Plastic Ban websites, so each state's website is unique with some sites being easier to find useful information than others:
NSW Single Use Plastic Ban
VIC Single Use Plastic Ban
QLD Single Use Plastic Ban
SA Single Use Plastic Ban
TAS (Hobart LGA) Single Use Plastic Ban
WA Single Use Plastic Ban
NT (Darwin LGA) Single Use Plastic Ban
Why Not Switch To BioPak Food Packaging
WF Plastic is a trusted BioPak partner, and we stock the full BioPak range of environmentally friendly food packaging at excellent prices, offering free metro shipping deals Australia wide. Take a look at our range here:
BioPak takes the plastic bans across Australia very seriously, and offers an excellent up-to-date single resource to assist clients with switching from traditional packaging to environmentally friendly packaging here. Alternatively, feel free to contact our team to discuss your packaging needs.